This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure, it often kicks back just when you think you are better. 这种寒热病好起来很慢,它经常会在你认为已好转时复发。
And be not slow in turning your back on it, unless you want to bite the dust in bitter defeat. 不要在它面前慢慢地转身,除非你愿意一败涂地。
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. 过了好长一段时间,他才慢慢地回到他的美洲虎车里。
This allows you to avoid waiting for potentially slow calls back to your servers and minimizes the amount of data needed from your servers. 这让您无需等待可能缓慢的服务器回调,并且最小化了对服务器上数据的需求量。
Since the data came from a relatively slow back end, caching it made lots of sense. 因为数据来自一个相对较慢的后端,所以缓存它很有帮助。
The weakness in PC sales was amplified by a slow back to school period in September and October, said Baker. 个人电脑销售疲软被9月和10月缓慢的返校期加重,贝克说。
But overseas perceptions are slow to change and tourists have not come back in the same numbers as they did in2004, although the gap is narrowing. 然而,国外对变化的理解速度很慢,游客数量还没有恢复到2004年的水平,尽管差距正在缩小。
This is because of an old superstition that families that are slow in putting back the dolls have trouble marrying off their daughters. 这是因为一个古老的迷信,如果把玩偶收回的晚了,那么他们的女儿就不容易嫁出去。
But we seemed to be happy with slow ball movement at the back and not looking for the killer pass. 但我们似乎满足于后场缓慢的推进以及不去寻找致命的传递。
Violent behaviour has been lifted up into a rod of evil; it will not be slow in coming, it will not keep back. 强暴兴起,成了罚恶的杖。以色列人,或是他们的群众,或是他们的财宝,无一存留,他们中间也没有得尊荣的。
But let us slow down and look back: the complete integration of the virtual and real world, will it be our very future? 慢着,让我们退回来思考一下:虚拟与现实的完全融合,这真是我们的未来吗?
In last year's jumpy markets, however, banks'fees rose to3% or more and have been slow to fall back. 然而在去年震荡波动的股票市场内,投资银行的手续费飙升,甚至超过了3%,且回落缓慢。
But should Britain, feeling the autumnal chill of possible recession, resign itself to a slow decline as power shifts back to the east? 然而,随着实力转移回东方,正在感受潜在经济衰退寒意的英国,是否应该听任自己缓慢衰落?
Space shuttle Discovery performed a slow back flip and then docked at the International Space Station. “发现号”航空飞机完成了一个缓慢的后转,与国际空间站实现了对接。
Slow reading "goes back at least as far as the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who in1887 described himself as a" teacher of slow reading. “慢读”这一概念最早是由哲学家弗里德里希·尼采提出的。
Every Tarp recipient is going to try and pay back as soon as they can. The government will be a little slow to take the money back for a couple of reasons. 每一家问题资产救助计划的参与行都会努力尽早偿还资金。政府不会很快收回资金,原因有两个。
With a hope to refresh, she decides to slow down a bit and move back to the village where she grew up. 于是,她决定慢下来,并搬回小时候居住的乡村生活。
The old lady was slow down, turns back with a satisfied smile on her face. 大娘拿着一大包东西,回头望着店员,欣慰而感激地笑了。
You're like close to the top of the mountains but the plane levels off and then starts that slow climb back upwards. 之前飞机和前面的山峰近在咫尺,但现在飞机稳定下来并开始,慢慢爬升回去了。
And the star was shining, slow and feeble, and his back was bent. 星星一闪一闪,缓缓而微弱地发着光。他老得背都驼了。
Jobs arrested Apple's slow death spiral and even put some oomph back into the pioneering computer firm he helped found. 乔伯斯被APPLE公司慢耗损的螺线所吸引,他甚至为这家他帮助创立的电脑公付出了较大的努力。
So the slow descent back towards recession – defined as global growth below 2 per cent – is a big worry for the whole world, rather than one part of it. 因此,全球经济再次慢慢滑向衰退(定义为全球总产出增长率低于2%)的现实,已不再只是世界某一部分的一大担忧,而是整个世界的一大担忧。
Apply the acceleration factor to speed up or slow down your media content when it is played back. Increasing the acceleration has no effect on audio pitch. 应用加速系数可以加快或减慢媒体内容的播放速度。增大加速系数不会对音频的音调产生影响。
This scene is happened when I leading my troops fall back. I ride ahead and slow down to look back of our homeland fallen. 图中的一幕发生在我率领军队撤退之时,我跑在前面慢下来回头遥望家园的陷落。
To overcome disadvantage of slow convergence rate of back propagation ( BP) algorithm for feedforward network, a new learning procedure which is called faster linearization learning algorithm is presented. 针对前馈神经网络的反向传播(BP)学习算法收敛速度慢的缺点,提出了一种新的学习算法即线性化快速学习算法。
Based on the mechanism analysis of slow seepage at back side of underground enclosure structure under high pressure, it is proposed that the slow seepage can be treated with chemical cement mortar. 在分析地下工程围护结构背水面高压慢渗形成机理的基础上,可采用胶泥坯料粘附挤压化学浆材的粘附压浆方法来治理高压慢渗。
But the process of solute-rich regions turning into disordered matrix was very slow, and it was hard to come back to the original states during retrogression. 有序相溶解时,其周围形成溶质原子富集区,最终被溶质原子富集区代替,溶质原子富集区完全变为无序基体是非常缓慢的过程,合金在回归后很难完全回复到原来的状态。
Research on action of slow closure back pressure valve in water delivery system with air cushion surge tank 设置气压式调压室的输水系统中缓闭止回阀作用的研究
Physiological structure and function of lumbar deflected change with age, active, functional training system while not directly change the degenerative trend, but can slow down the degeneration caused by low back pain and other symptoms of the time. 腰椎生理结构和功能随年龄增长而退变,积极、系统的功能锻炼虽不能直接改变这种退变趋势,但能减缓由这些退变引起的下腰痛等症状出现的时间。